Over Four Million two hundred sixty three thousand, seven hundred shillings (4,236,700 Shs) was raised at the Ausi Kaya fundraising on Wednesday at StarTimes stadium, Lugogo.

The move was part of the ways to raise money for the second decortication of the lungs, an operation that necessitates removal of infected layer on the right side of the lungs.

The cost of the operation is over seventeen million (17M Shs) for the former State House, Police, KCCA and Proline defender who also graced the occasion and thanked everyone for the contribution.

“I am very grateful for the love you have shown me,” he said. “To play for me such matches when i am alive it is a big honour,” he added in reference to three matches played as part of the drive.

KCCA and Police opened the day’s events before Proline and KCCA fans also took on each other and later, Kawempe Old Timers and Friends of Ausi Kaaya also showcased what they could for the player.

In his closing remarks, Kaya advised footballers to conduct themselves in good manner wherever they play.

“My only advice to young players to conduct themselves in a good way so that you can be helped in future when need be.

Another fundraising for the former Ugandan international will be at Barbados Hotel on March 3rd where each person is required to part with 20,000 Shs for an evening Tea on the day.

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